Dr. Keisha Harvey
Dr. K is a board certified family medicine physician. She completed medical school at Meharry Medical College. She did her residency training in rural family medicine at LSU in Bogalusa, LA. She completed her fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship, founded by Dr. Andrew Weil. Dr. Harvey has training in essential oils, nutrition, supplement, and meditation for wellness. Dr. Harvey pursued a career family medicine and integrative medicine because it encompasses her ideals of medicine. As a primary care physician, she educates people and takes part in their long term health journey.
She is working in rural Bogalusa, LA teaching her community about how to prevent and treat disease with lifestyle modifications. She is employing lifestyle medicine in an area that would most likely not receive this type of care. Dr. K works in an area where 37% of individuals are obese, 49.8% have hypertension, 54.4% have hyperlipidemia, 13% are diabetic, and 29% are smokers. Respondents believe that healthy food, a safe place to walk, wellness services and educational classes was the solution to the healthcare crisis in Washington Parish.
Currently, she has started the “Wannabe Vegan Challenge” to educate individuals on weight loss, lifestyle medicine, and nutrition. Via social media and her practice, she spends time educating people on the importance of small, but meaningful lifestyle modifications to promote health and wellbeing. She is in private, solo-practice and her practice is a 501c3 nonprofit. The mission of her practice is to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare at an affordable cost, and be a vital part of the community.
Services provided through Dr. K’s:
- -Dr. K’s Scholarship: $10,250 Donated to date
- -Over $8000 dollars in free speaking engagements performed
- -Over $13,235 in free healthcare given to date
- -Primary healthcare, acute care, urgent care, family planning including Long-term Reversible Contraceptives, and small office-based procedures.
- -Life Coaching
- -Preceptorships
- -Community health fares with free health care screening including: Diabetic screens, Blood pressure screens and nutritional assessments.